Kids Bibles

Winona's Legacy

Winona and Bill had a vision: Get the Word of God into the hands of every child in America. And while Winona went to be with the Lord in 2022, her legacy continues.

This is her story.


Winona wanted to do something special, something unheard of to change the future of our nation and, hopefully, the world: Get a Bible into the hands of every child in America.

TODAY, THE LEGACY CONTINUES seeks to carry out Winona's dream by making it as easy and practical as possible for anyone to get Bibles to children on their street - or anywhere else..


Although Winona wanted to reach every child in America with the Bible, our goal is to carry her vision out to the next level: Reach every child in the world with God's Word.

And, with your help and support, we will.

Kids Bible Gift

Making A Difference

In every country, in every way, the world is falling apart. Contrary to the wishes of many, things are getting worse. And, sadly, the church is seemingly becoming more ineffectual by the day.

At, we believe it is time to make a difference through two main objectives:

* Reach Children With The Word Of God
*Reach Those In Need With Helpful Ministries. is dedicated to coordinating these efforts to make an impact in a lost and dying world.
We would love for you to join us in this mission.

Our Mission: Every Child, Every Home

At, we want to reach every child with the word of God, starting here in the United States and expanding to include children around the world.



Our main goal at is to distribute Bibles to children throughout the United States, with a goal of reaching every child in the world.

To make this goal possible, we designed a website that allows users to locate houses by address or map location, then link to associated distributors where they can order the number of desired Bibles, then be able to track which locations have been reached with a copy of the Word of God.

This added functionality allows users to allocate resources (time, effort, and finances) effectively without overlap - which results in more children being reached.



Although Bible distribution is our primary goal at, we are also invested in helping churches and other organizations reach out to the community in various ways: Food Programs, Assistance, Home Visits, Prayer Ministries, and more.

Scripture admonishes us to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers also. At, we believe it is our commission from Christ to reach out to those around us and help them.

With this section of the website, individual users, churches, and organizations can coordinate their efforts to ensure that no one is overlooked and that resources are used wisely. 

What We Believe

Our Most Basic Beliefs About God's Word

The original texts had no factual errors or mistakes

Although copyists and translators have made their mistakes, the Bible's texts were given to man without error.


The Bible provides everything we need to know

Whether the topic is about Who God is, man's sin, the way to salvation, what God expects from us in our behavior, etc., the Bible provides everything we need to know about those topics.


The Bible speaks with authority on every topic it discusses

The Bible's advice is perfect and authoritative, and can be relied on for good guidance no matter the specific circumstances.


The Bible is applicable today

Far from being out of date, the Bible is MORE important for today's world than ever before, and by applying it to ourselves, we can live happier, fuller, more meaningful lives.

Affiliates And Partners

Grace Technology is our parent nonprofit that makes our work possible.

ABS has been invaluable in their guidance and resources. We have a shared goal and interest in getting the Word of the living God into the hands of the lost masses dying in their sin. In addition, we are looking forward to a wonderful and productive partnership with this amazing organization.

We are an Affiliate of this great organization and have complete access to their massive inventory that allows us to get bibles and Christian literature at discounted rates to pass on to our amazing volunteers.

Our Affiliation with Amazon allows us to get bibles and Christian literature from their vast vendor base and publishers at discounted rates to pass on to our amazing volunteers.


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